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Adding favicons to a webapp

Adding favicons to a webapp

How does one go about changing the favicon for a Dash webapp?

Normally, I would simply create an assets folder where the app is housed and copy my favicon.ico file there so it gets directly picked up. I cannot figure out where the file needs to copied for Dataiku.

What I did discover from the file ( /opt/dataiku-dss-11.2.0/python/dataiku/webapps/ is that a specific assets_folder path is passed in the Dash app.

app = Dash(__name__, server=flask_app, serve_locally=serve_locally, assets_folder=osp.realpath(osp.join(bkd_path, '../assets')))

However, this assets folder points to a temporary location that is deleted and recreated every time I restart the backend (/data/dataiku/dss_data/tmp/${PROJECTKEY}/web_apps/) , making putting anything in there pointless.


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