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Upgrade now to Dataiku 8

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Upgrade now to Dataiku 8


Dataiku DSS 8.0 is available today and is packed full of more than 60 features. Read the release notes for an in-depth look or keep reading for a few highlights, and join me next week, starting September 7th, for an Ask Me Anything session on Community where weโ€™ll answer your burning questions about Dataiku 8!

You can find out more about Dataiku 8 here: Dataiku 8: Putting the Power of AI in the Hands of Everyone in the Organization.

Do you have any feedback or questions? You can ask them here or join us starting Monday, September 7th for the Dataiku 8 AMA with @kenjil,  Vice President of Product.

Looking for more resources to help you use Dataiku effectively and upskill your knowledge? Check out these great resources: Dataiku Academy | Documentation | Knowledge Base

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