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Python py_310_sample_llm environment not working in Jupyter Notebooks

Level 2
Python py_310_sample_llm environment not working in Jupyter Notebooks

I've downloaded the LLM Starter Kit from the Dataiku gallery (Flow | Dataiku) and am trying to use it on my local installation of Dataiku.  When doing the exercises in the "Basic use - code" flow zone, I can get the code to run in the code window, but when I try to edit it in a notebook, the kernel won't work; it just stays busy the whole time and won't let me run any of the cells.  I downloaded the py_310_sample_llm environment from the gallery and uploaded it in my project.  I also have Python 3.10.13 installed on my computer.  Any idea how I can fix this issue?  

Operating system used: Windows

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2 Replies
Level 2

Hi Turribeach,

Thanks for the suggestion.  There's a lot there in the ipython.log file, but this sticks out (b/c it's in red):

[2024/01/02-09:04:49.514] [4148/MainThread] [ERROR] [NotebookApp] Error opening stream: HTTP 404: Not Found (Kernel does not exist: 922e7fec-6a8d-40ac-bf88-584e0848b549)

Not sure what this means.  It's weird, b/c the code runs from the Python code editor that opens when you double click on the Python recipe, but it will not connect to the kernel when I try to edit it in the notebook view.  Any ideas? 

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