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Notebook kernel dies

Level 4
Notebook kernel dies

Hello, everyone.

I upgrade R 3.6 to R 4.3.1 in my instance. I could rebuild, create and install R enviroments. But when I want to use R notebooks, kernel dies as show on figure bellow. Even I can run R recipes. But not notebooks.

I don't have any problem with python notebooks.

It is important to mention that I had problems to add some packages on R enviromentss after upgrading because IRKernel  could not be installed. So I tested it on my machine directly through R terminal and I had the same error. So I installed some dependencies on my machine and I could install packages. 
On the R terminal I wrote:
But when I executed IRkernel::installspec() to register kernel an error said: jupyter-client has to be installed but “jupyter kernelspec --version” exited with code 127.
I installed jupyter-client, but the error was the same.
I don't know if it is related with the problem of notebooks.

Can anyone help me with this problem?


Thank you very much!!

Operating system used: Centos

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2 Replies

Hi @rafael_rosado97 ,

I would be best to continue investigating this over a support ticket instead.

Please generate and instance diagnostics  and share this on dl[dot]dataiku[dot]com and provide the URL generated in the support ticket.



Level 4

Than you, @AlexT 

I will generate the support ticket.

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