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Remove warnings when import dataiku using Python 3.9

Remove warnings when import dataiku using Python 3.9

Hi all,

I am just starting to use Python 3.9 and I am getting the following warnings when I import the dataiku package:

distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead.
invalid escape sequence \*
invalid escape sequence \*
invalid escape sequence \s
invalid escape sequence \:
invalid escape sequence \:

Any suggestions on how to remove these warnings?

I know that warnings.filterwarnings() will suppress the display of the distutils warning (but not the others).

I'm interested in determining whether I can configure the code environment or something like that so no warnings are generated. 

I get that these warnings are not a problem in terms of functionality. They will however create questions and diminish confidence when we roll this out to our user base. That's why I'd like to try to stop these from occurring.



Operating system used: RHEL

2 Replies

I have raised it with Dataiku Support. Dataiku are aware of it and are looking to fix it at some point. There appears to be no way of supressing the warnings so I am afraid this one is one that users will have to live with for the time being. 


Thanks for sharing what you've learning @Turribeach. Bummer! Guess we'll just have to live with it for now.



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