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Programmatic Git Support (Shell, Python API or Both)

We use git remote repos for every project we deploy on Dataiku.

As we collaborate together, we've found the need on a number of occasions to use git shell commands or have some more flexibility to check status, cherry pick, drop changes or just generally use git more flexibly from DSS. While we can clone our repo and make some adjustments, this can be fraught with peril if we adjust config or params.json, etc. and cause conflicts which can lead to headaches.

It would be great if we could do more from a shell directly on dataiku from our projects, or at the least, allow for more git capability e.g. via the python API to status, fetch, create branches, pull, etc.


Thanks for your idea @importthepandas! The suggestion has been added to our backlog, we'll reach out should we require more information.

Thanks for your idea @importthepandas! The suggestion has been added to our backlog, we'll reach out should we require more information.

Status changed to: In the Backlog

The Python API to manipulate project-level git capabilities has been released in 12.4.2.
See for more details.

Status changed to: Released

The Python API to manipulate project-level git capabilities has been released in 12.4.2.
See for more details.