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How does UIF work with Impala ?

How does UIF work with Impala ?


  we have an installation with UIF enabled. For all other activities impersonification on Hadoop works fine, but it seems that this is not the case of Impala. We have run a query with a user but looking at the logs in Cloudera Manager the same query is run by the DSSUSER and not by the end user.

Is that the expected beahiour ?

Thanks. Rgds.


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1 Reply

Hi @gnaldi62,

That is expected if you have not explicitly passed additional impersonation info: a DelegationUID must be passed and its value should be the user Impala is supposed to impersonate while running the query. You should use the value provided by DSS, that is ${hadoopUser} and append it to the connection URL (i.e. ;DelegationUID=${hadoopUser})

Please see the following related ticket:



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