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ReOrdering Tables in Join Visual Recipies

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As an Analyst using Dataiku DSS with a very wide dataset made from more that 5-6 source tables. When specifying Joins and Selected columns, I'd like to be able to re-order the list of tables.  This would allow better gross organization of resulting column names.  


  • This should work smoothly with the primary databases supported by Dataiku DSS.
  • When reordering Join Relationships and Select Columns should not change.  This is just about the gross re-ordering of columns produced by the Join Recipe.

Nice to Have:

  • Re-Ordering can be done in either the Join of Selected columns area.  However, being limited to just one would also work.  (Not clear if I prefer doing this in Join or Selected columns.)
  • It would be nice if the interface of this was just dragging the table headers, in sort of the way that some spreadsheets allow one to re-order columns by dragging the column header.


Today to re-order in this way you have to break the join and re-create and reselect columns, or even start from scratch.  Because this is painful, the tendency to to add another visual prepare recipe.  This is not good for overall performance.


Thanks @tgb417 , added to our backlog and will let you know if we move forward with development.


Status changed to: In the Backlog

Thanks @tgb417 , added to our backlog and will let you know if we move forward with development.




Happy New Year.





Happy New Year.