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np.bool versus bool

Level 4
np.bool versus bool

To the Dataiku developers, 

Dataiku appears to use `np.bool` or `numpy.bool` in its codebase. This has been deprecated since Python 2.4 or so. I strongly recommend replacing these by `bool` to remove many warning errors that pollute the detailed job diagnostics. If there is a way to turn these warnings off, could you please share them?  Thanks!   Gordon.

Operating system used: macOS Ventura, M1

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3 Replies

Hi @Erlebacher 

If you are seeing this error, it can be resolved by upgrading DSS to 11.4.2+ 
or including numpy<=1.23.5 in your list of requirements. 


0 Kudos
Level 4

Thanks. I am using Dataiku version 11.4.3. So I'll change the numpy version. Still, my question stands: why doesn't Dataiku update its codebase to resolve deprecated constructs? At some point, you'll have to. Thanks.

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As of version 12.2.3, we've removed this deprecated usage from our codebase. You may still get the warning since it's in use in some common dependencies like pandas or scikit-optimize, meaning we still don't recommend using numpy>=1.24 in general.

Best regards,

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