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Spark Setup

Level 1
Spark Setup

Hi all ,,

I need to use the sparkSql and spark for python I installed the spark and it shown in the administration settings .

but when I run the sparkSQL it raised this error 


Cannot run program "spark-submit" (in directory "/data/design/jobs/DC


please anyone can help or send an article to follow the configuration 

Thanks in advance ,,, 


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This issue usually occurs when spark integration was not re-run after a recent upgrade and it can't find spark-submit.

Please re-run spark integration using the standalone archive downloaded from Dataiku DSS download site for your DSS version:

You can run spark integration with the following command using the version of your DSS version:

/data/bin/dssadmin install-spark-integration -standaloneArchive PATH_TO/dataiku-dss-spark-standalone-12.2.0-3.4.1-generic-hadoop3.tar.gz

This is explained here Setup Spark

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