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Dash Webapp 404 Not Found Error

Level 2
Dash Webapp 404 Not Found Error

Hi All,

I built a webapp using Dash in Dataiku and it was working perfectly fine, then I signed in one day and got a 404 Not Found error. Now even the example dash apps do not work and I get the same error. Does anyone have a solution for this or has anyone else had this problem?

Thank you in advance for your help,


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3 Replies


the settings for the default container config on the instance (or the project) may have been altered, or the default exposition setup for webapps on the instance. You should open a ticket on and attach a diagnostic of the instance, generated in Administration > Maintenance > Diagnostic tool (note: you need to be admin of the instance)


also, I forgot the obvious: did you make sure the webapp backends were running, restarting them or even stopping then starting them again?

0 Kudos
Level 2
Hi, I did try to restart the backend and had the same error. I also tried to copy and past the code into a new webapp and got the same error.
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