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DSS SharePoint Data Plugin only synching schema but not data

DSS SharePoint Data Plugin only synching schema but not data

Hello Dataiku community,


Hope everyone is well. Our team (cc @adamnieto) is trying to leverage this DSS SharePoint plugin. We can successfully connect to an existing list on SharePoint and bring the data into DSS. However, when we try to write a new list to the SharePoint site we are only able to sync over the schema. The schema is correct, however, none of the rows actually sync to the list on SharePoint.


Has this happened to anyone else? Can anyone help us with our challenge above? We're not sure if any additional steps are needed to sync over the actual content and not just the schema.




1 Reply


A possible cause is the presence of a trailing slash at the end of the Site path section in the preset. It should read sites/site_name instead of sites/site_name/ .


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