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sharepoint error

Level 1
sharepoint error

Failed to start kernel, caused by: DKUSecurityException: While setting up folder /opt/dataiku/design/tmp/custom-fs-provider/control6980842091475870186 to dssuser, Process failure, caused by: IOException: Failed to set permissions : Command '['setfacl', '-RP', '-m', 'u::rwx,g::---,o:---,d:u:?:rwx,u:?:rwx', '/opt/dataiku/design/tmp/custom-fs-provider/control6980842091475870186']' returned non-zero exit status 2

Operating system used: windows

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1 Reply

Hi @ghitesh ,
The error suggests there is a system-level issue with the UIF setup. The actual error would be further up in the logs.

Could you please open a ticket with support and attach the instance diagnostics from this instance after reproducing the issue?


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