[root@slddgnd001:/opt] # sudo -i "/opt/dataiku/dataiku-dss-9.0.4/scripts/install/install-deps.sh" -without-java -without-python -with-r + Detected OS distribution : redhat 7.9 + Checking required repositories... /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/py2_warn.py:22: UserWarning: Setuptools will stop working on Python 2 ************************************************************ You are running Setuptools on Python 2, which is no longer supported and >>> SETUPTOOLS WILL STOP WORKING <<< in a subsequent release (no sooner than 2020-04-20). Please ensure you are installing Setuptools using pip 9.x or later or pin to `setuptools<45` in your environment. If you have done those things and are still encountering this message, please comment in https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/1458 about the steps that led to this unsupported combination. ************************************************************ sys.version_info < (3,) and warnings.warn(pre + "*" * 60 + msg + "*" * 60) + Adding EPEL repository ... * Warning: you may need to enable the RedHat 'optional' repository in case of missing dependencies * See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL#How_can_I_use_these_extra_packages.3F /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/py2_warn.py:22: UserWarning: Setuptools will stop working on Python 2 ************************************************************ You are running Setuptools on Python 2, which is no longer supported and >>> SETUPTOOLS WILL STOP WORKING <<< in a subsequent release (no sooner than 2020-04-20). Please ensure you are installing Setuptools using pip 9.x or later or pin to `setuptools<45` in your environment. If you have done those things and are still encountering this message, please comment in https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/1458 about the steps that led to this unsupported combination. ************************************************************ sys.version_info < (3,) and warnings.warn(pre + "*" * 60 + msg + "*" * 60) Cannot open: http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm. Skipping. Error: Nothing to do Loaded plugins: langpacks, product-id, subscription-manager [root@slddgnd001:/opt] # su dataiku [dataiku@slddgnd001:/opt] $ cd dataiku/dss_data/ [dataiku@slddgnd001:/opt/dataiku/dss_data] $ ./bin/dssadmin install-R-integration [+] Saving installation log to /opt/dataiku/dss_data/run/install.log [+] Checking dependencies + Detected OS distribution : redhat 7.9 + Checking required packages... *** Error: package nginx not found *** Error: package R-core-devel not found *** Error: package libicu-devel not found *** Error: package libcurl-devel not found *** Error: package openssl-devel not found *** Error: package libxml2-devel not found [-] Dependency check failed [-] You can install required dependencies with: [-] sudo -i "/opt/dataiku/dataiku-dss-9.0.4/scripts/install/install-deps.sh" -without-java -without-python -with-r [-] You can also disable this check with the -noDeps option [dataiku@slddgnd001:/opt/dataiku/dss_data] $ ./bin/dssadmin install-R-integration -repo https://jfrog.info53.com/artifactory [+] Saving installation log to /opt/dataiku/dss_data/run/install.log [+] Checking dependencies + Detected OS distribution : redhat 7.9 + Checking required packages... *** Error: package nginx not found *** Error: package R-core-devel not found *** Error: package libicu-devel not found *** Error: package libcurl-devel not found *** Error: package openssl-devel not found *** Error: package libxml2-devel not found [-] Dependency check failed [-] You can install required dependencies with: [-] sudo -i "/opt/dataiku/dataiku-dss-9.0.4/scripts/install/install-deps.sh" -without-java -without-python -with-r [-] You can also disable this check with the -noDeps option